People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Robert de Prebenda, bishop of Dunblane (d.1284)

Robert de Prebenda, bishop of Dunblane (d.1284)
Matrix Shape
pointed oval
Image description (obverse)
Single-sided seal. The bishop is shown full length and front face, with a mitre, standing on a corbel with his right hand raised in benediction and his left holding a crozier. He is surrounded by a border from which issue vine leaves alternated with pairs of *quatrefoils*.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
S’ ROBERTI DEI GRACIA EPISCOPI DVMBLANENSIS (“Seal of Robert, by the grace of God, bishop of Dunblane”)
Legend (reverse)
Dimensions: 2 5/8 in × 1 ½ in. SW I, p.136.