People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/547/13 (Pais. Reg., 5-6)

Walter son of Alan, steward of the king of Scotland, has given, granted, and made firm by this his present charter to Paisley Priory, for the souls of Henry (I), king of England, King David, King Malcolm and Earl Henry and all his dead ancestors, and for the welfare of his lord King William, and of David his brother, and himself and his wife, in perpetual alms, and free and quit from all temporal service, the church of Innerwick (ELO) with all its pertinents, and all of the mill of Innerwick, except one mark which he gave to Robert of Kent, and the church of Legerwood (BWK) with all its pertinents, and a ploughgate of land in Hassendean which Walter the chaplain held, and the church of Cathcart (RNF) with all its pertinents, and all the churches of Strathgryfe (i.e., Renfrewshire), with all their pertinents, except the church of Inchinnan (RNF), and that ploughgate of land which Grimketel held by the same bounds by which he held it, and Dripps (LAN) with all its pertinents by the bounds by which William held it, and the church of Paisley (RNF) with all its pertinents, and two ploughgates of land around the Water of Cart, next to the church, and that land beyond the Cart on the side of the wood, which he and his son Alan perambulated, and that portion of land below the monks’ dormitory, and all the land that Serlo held, and by the same bounds, with that messuage over the river where his hall was founded, and all that island next to his ‘oppidum’ of Renfrew with fishery between island and Partick, and one full toft in Renfrew, and a half mark of silver from burgh rents for lighting the church, one fishing net for salmon, and the mill of Renfrew, and the land where the monks first lived, and that ploughgate of land between Cart and Gryfe, and the church of Prestwick (AYR), with all that land which Domnall son of Eogan perambulated for them between the land of Simon Loccard and the land of Prestwick as far as the bounds of Simon Loccard, and that church of his burgh of Prestwick (AYR), with all its pertinents, and a saltwork in Callendar (STL) that was Herbert the chamberlain’s. He has also given them similarly and has established the teinds of his hunt [etc], and 4s. to light church from the mill of Paisley, and that they may grind there without multure [etc]. He has also given and granted to them and by this his charter established the teinds of his wastes and of all his lands which he has in forest, and all the easements of his forest of Paisley, and pasture in it, [etc]. All the aforesaid alms, with all their dignities and liberties, he grants and establishes, namely, sake and soke, toll, team and infangthief.
Firm date
25 December 1165 X 25 March 1173
Dating Notes
Inauguration of King William × Pope Alexander III confirmation
Source for Data Entry
Paisley Registrum, 5-6
Trad. ID
Pais. Reg., 5-6
Calendar number
Charter type

Total number of associated factoids: 33

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Date Short Summary Title Holder
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 chamberlain Herbert, king's chamberlain
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 steward (king's) Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 king of England Henry I, king of England (d.1135)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 king David I, king of Scots (d.1153)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 king Malcolm IV, king of Scots (d.1165)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Earl Henry, earl of Northumberland and Huntingdon (d.1152)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 king of Scots William I, king of Scots (d.1214)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 bishop of Glasgow Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 bishop of St Andrews Richard, bishop of St Andrews (d.1178)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 abbot of Kelso John, abbot of Kelso (d.1180)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 abbot of Jedburgh Osbert, abbot of Jedburgh (d.1174)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Master Mark, master
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 dean Solomon, dean of Glasgow (d.1174×5)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 clerk Elias of Partick, canon of Glasgow (son of Fulbert)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Master John of Roxburgh, master, treasurer of Glasgow (d.1196)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 chaplain Walter, chaplain (TRM)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 clerk Richard, clerk of Walter Stewart (I)

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Saltpan in Callendar Herbert, king's chamberlain
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Ploughgate of land in Hassendean Walter, chaplain (TRM)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Ploughgate held by Grimketil Grimketil
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Dripps William, son of Maiduse
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Land that Serlo held Serlo, landholder in Renfrewshire
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Land of Arnold Arnold (landholder in LAN or AYR?)