People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)

Alan son of Walter the steward of the king of Scots, granted and gave to Melrose Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, Mauchline (AYR), by stated bounds, between the land of Mauchline and the land of Gilbert son of Richer. With this land, he gave to them the untilled land and haugh on the northern part of the River Ayr which they wanted to develop and the fishery in the mouth of the River Ayr with one principal net. Additionally, he gave and granted to them the whole pasture of his forest, by stated bounds, and one ploughgate of land to be developed in that place, free and quit from all service, except five marks of silver which they will render to him and his heirs annually, save only his forest in beasts and sheep, and he and his heirs will provide forinsec service to their lord, the king, for everything.
Firm date
1177 X 1204
Dating Notes
Succession of Alan × his death
Source for Data Entry
Melrose Liber, i, no. 67
Trad. ID
Melr. Lib., no. 67
Calendar number
Charter type
Original (contemporary)
NAS, GD 55/67
Document Image
See the Models of Authority website for an image of this charter with transcription, translation, etc.

Total number of associated factoids: 22

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Date Short Summary Subject Object
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177)
1177 X 1204 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) William I, king of Scots (d.1214)
1177 X 1204 Son of Richer (father of Gilbert and Adam) (Familial relationship) Gilbert, son of Richer Richer (father of Gilbert and Adam)
1177 X 1204 Lord (dominus) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) William I, king of Scots (d.1214) Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204)
1177 X 1204 Son of Maccus (father of Liulf) (Familial relationship) Liulf, son of Maccus son of Undweyn Maccus, son of Undweyn
1177 X 1204 Son of Maias (father of Robert) (Familial relationship) Robert, son of Maias Maias (father of Robert)
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter (father of William, nepos of Walter Stewart) (Familial relationship) William, son of Walter (nepos of Walter Stewart) Walter (father of William, nepos of Walter Stewart)
1177 X 1204 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) William, son of Walter (nepos of Walter Stewart) Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177)
1177 X 1204 Son of Arkil (father of Adam) (Familial relationship) Adam, son of Arkil of Whitton Arkil (father of Adam)
1177 X 1204 Son of Uhtred (father of Elias of Dundas) (Familial relationship) Elias of Dundas (son of Uhtred) Uhtred (father of Elias of Dundas)

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Date Short Summary Title Holder
1177 X 1204 steward (king's) Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177)
1177 X 1204 king William I, king of Scots (d.1214)
1177 X 1204 Dominus (Lord/Sir) William I, king of Scots (d.1214)
1177 X 1204 clerk Richard, clerk (AYR)
1177 X 1204 smith Stephen, smith (AYR)
1177 X 1204 clerk Richard, clerk (AYR)
1177 X 1204 smith Geoffrey, smith (AYR)

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
1177 X 1204 land in Ayrshire (AYR) Gilbert, son of Richer
1177 X 1204 fishery in mouth of River Ayr (AYR) Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204)
1177 X 1204 forest in Ayrshire (AYR) Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204)