People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Chapter of Hospital of Jerusalem of Torphichen

Chapter of Hospital of Jerusalem of Torphichen
Matrix Shape
Image description (obverse)
Chapter common seal, single-sided, depicting Saint John the Baptist standing on a corbel, with *nimbus*, holding a circular plaque displaying the *Agnus Dei* in his left hand, and pointing to it with his right. A crescent and an *estoile* of eight points *wavy* are at the sides; in one impression, further marks are also evident.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
S’COMVNE [DOMVS DE TOR]PHET[IN] (“Common seal of the house of Torphichen”)
Legend (reverse)
Dimensions: approx. 1 ¾ in. diameter. SW I, p.201.