People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Abbot John of Cambuskenneth

John, abbot of Cambuskenneth (fl.1287×92)
Matrix Shape
pointed oval
Image description (obverse)
Single-sided seal depicting within a canopied niche a half-length figure of the Virgin with a crown, holding Christ with a *cruciformed nimbus* at her left side. Within another niche below is a monk holding a crozier and kneeling to *dexter*.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
Legend: S’ IOHANNIS ABBATIS DE KAMBUSKINNEL (“Seal of John, abbot of Cambuskenneth”)
Legend (reverse)
Other features: beaded and pointed borders. Dimensions: 1 5/8 × 1 1/16 in. SW I, p.171. Scran ID: 000-000-029-159-C (modern linocut reproduction by Owain Kirby, 1997).