People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of land on the Kirkcroft in the territory of Lower Swinton (BWK)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/556/2 (ND, App., no. 429)
Firm date
Probable date
Dating Notes
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Alan, son of Alan son of Cospatric of Swinton Alanus de Superior Swynton Alan of Upper Swinton 1210 × 1271
Beneficiary Saint Cuthbert sancto Cuthberto Saint Cuthbert 1094 × 1279
Beneficiary Saint Abbe sancte Ebbe Saint Ebbe 1188 × 1273
Beneficiary Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) Priori et Monachis de Coldingham the Prior and convent of Coldingham 1107 × 1368

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Henry of Prenderguest (II) knight Henr' de Prendirgest Sir Henry of Prenderguest, knight 1245 × 1300 1
Peter of Mordington, knight Petro de Morthyngtona Sir Peter of Mordington, knight 1271 × 1291 2
Simon of Badby Symon' de Baddeby Simon of Badby 1272 × 1276 3
Adam, son of Walter of Ayton Ada filio Walteri de Aytun Adam, son of Walter of Ayton 1246 × 1263 4
Thomas Francis of Ayton (the Frenchman) Thoma Franceys de eadem Thomas Francis of Ayton 1248 × 1281 5
William of Ayton Willelmo de Aytun William of Ayton 1276 × 1296 6
Richard Francis of Ayton (the Frenchman) Ricardo Franceys de eadem Richard Francis of Ayton 1273 × 1280 7
John, son of Bertram, Lord of Little Reston Johanne de Rystun John of Reston 1254 × 1281 8
Elias, son of Roger of Reston Helya filio Rogeri ed eadem Elias, son of Roger of Reston 1272 × 1280 9
Patrick, son of Patrick Long, sergeant of West Reston Patr' Patrick, sergeand of West Reston 1259 × 1280 10
Patrick, son of Alice of Reston Patr' filio Alicie de eadem Patrick, son of Alice, of West Reston 1250 × 1276 11
Robert Lavird of Auchencrow Roberto Lauerde de Aldangrawe Robert Laverd of Auchencrow 1250 × 1281 12
Thomas, son of Robert of Coldingham Thoma filio Roberti de Coldingham Thomas, son of Robert of Coldingham 13

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK land on the Kirkcroft in the territory of Lower Swinton illam terram super Kyrkecroft in territorio de Swyton Inferiori Little Swinton