People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Agreement between Kelso Abbey and Hervey the Marischal

Type of Transaction
From Source
2/10/95 (SEA, i, no. 205)
Firm date
1175 × 1178
Dating Notes
<em>Kel. Lib.</em>, i, no. 96 × death of Bishop Richard.
Hervey gave to Kelso Abbey in free and perpetual alms twenty shillings annually in the church of Keith-Marischal free and quit of all custom and service. A parson instituted in that church shall, within forty days, take an oath to the monks concerning the pension to be paid, ten shillings at Whitsun and ten at Martinmas. All those in the time of the bishop or his successors who are instituted by Hervey or his heirs shall do fealty to the monks before institution. Hervey and his heirs may not give the church to any other religious house except Kelso.

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Party 1 Kelso Abbey 1131 × 1311
Party 2 Hervey, marischal (Keith) 1153 × 1185